Tuesday, December 24

Auto-Mix (PUG) v1.1.9-F

"Auto-Mix" which is widely known as a Pug mode, is an Automatic plugin which runs a 10 men scrim by a simple command!
It waits for 10 players to join the server, starts a vote map, changes to the map that was chosen (picks 4 random maps from configs/maps.ini), makes a teams vote (how teams should be organized), starts a knife round (winner team gets to be in the CT team), and then starts the scrim, after 15 rounds switching teams and when a team reaches score 16 she wins (There are included ACE and MINI ACE when you kill 4 / 5 people, also there are tags automatically added of the teams + score is being shown as for teams (A or B, and not CT or T)

This AMX Mod X plugins is a modification of the original plugin in which I have tried to add additional feature and fixed all known bugs.

  • Fixed Incorrect Team Tagging Issue.
  • Added a cvar for controlling the PREFIX.
  • Blocked showing of still connecting players in any of the teams as dead!
  • Added custom logs for troubleshooting purposes.
  • Added Anti-Silent Defuse.
  • Re-Added the BomB has been defused sound!
  • Added slot Reservation option for admins with ADMIN_RESERVATION flag, with an option to kick newest player or the player with the highest ping.
  • Added feature to make players auto ready for a match after connecting.
  • Replaced some of the player removal methods to kick instead for a ban.
  • Blocked default HL1 vote and votemap commands.
  • Added Voteban feature so that players can ban hackers themselves.
  • Removed automatic server password protection.
  • Added lastmaps command to check the last 5 player maps.
  • Colored Chat Messages (Use !g for green, !t for team and !n for normal color in the language file)
  • Added an option to display the current score in the Game Description.
  • Auto-Creation of all the other required files (lang, configs, and setting files).
  • Added Adminship details option in the player menu which shows a MOTD.
  • Added optional cvar controlled option to hide real slots automatically, useful for auto retry option.
  • Added spectate option for Admins (Max 1 at a time)
  • Fixed random Runtime Errors.
  • Added fix for team has won but still match goes on with scores 16+.
  • Fixed team joining issue when a player with ADMIN_RESERVATION flag connected and was unable to join any team except for spectator in some cases.
  • Added an optional cvar controlled team balancer option which checks for more than 5 players per team and makes the newest player reconnect in the other team.
  • Added custom tag removal feature. Custom tags are now auto removed when the next match starts or the player reconnects.

  • Copy pimpspug.amxx and stats_pug.amxx to addons/amxmodx/plugins folder.
  • Edit addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini and add pimpspug.amxx and stats_pug.amxx on a new separate line.
  • Disable default statsx.amxx plugin (if active)
  • Edit cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini and enable the following modules (Needed for old AMX Mod X, newer version auto activates these)
    • Fun
    • Engine
    • FakeMeta
    • Cstrike
    • CSX
    • HamSandwich
  • The Language file is automatically created when you first run the plugin. Default language is English. You can add or customize it from addons/amxmodx/data/lang/auto-mix.txt
  • CFG files practice.cfg and pug.cfg are also auto created which contain the public gameplay cvar and pug gameplay cvars. These files are located in the game root folder.


Add these cvars to your server.cfg (executed on server start) or amxx.cfg (executed on map change)
  • amx_automix_prefix "[YOURSERVERTAG]"
    Desc - Prefix tag which is shown in front of all chat messages and other messages on the server.
  • amx_pug_teambalance 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables the Team-Balancer function which checks for more than 5 players per team and makes the newest player reconnect.
  • amx_pug_hideslots 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables automatic hiding of slots depending on the number of maximum players needed for the match. This feature is needed so that your players can keep the client on auto-retry in case the server is full.
  • pug_voteban_percent "60"
    Desc - % of votes needed against a player to be banned.
  • pug_voteban_time "60"
    Desc - Duration in minutes to ban the player when he has been vote banned by players.
  • amx_pug_kick 1 / 2
    Desc - Admin slot reservation type. (1 = Kick the player with least playtime, 2 = worst ping)
  • amx_pug_gamedesc 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables the function to enable displaying of live match score in the Game Description.
  • amx_pug_desc_a "[A]"
    Desc - Custom TAG name for Team A which will be shown only in the Game Description (if enabled)
  • amx_pug_desc_b "[B]"
    Desc - Custom TAG name for Team B which will be shown only in the Game Description (if enabled)
  • pug_ffvote 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables friendly fire vote before every match starts.
  • pug_kniferound 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables knife round before every match starts.
  • pug_players 10
    Desc - Number of players needed to start a match.
  • pug_detecttk 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables automatic detection of Team-Killers.
  • pug_mapvote 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables a map change vote before every match starts.
  • pug_ranking 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables showing of top stats at the end of every match.
  • pug_teamtag 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables using of Team Tags from the Lang File (CT and T will be used if set to 0)
    [Custom tags can be used by directly modifying the Lang file. Custom tags do no support auto tag removal]
  • pug_acehud 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables the announcement if a player scores an MiniACE or ACE (4/5 Kills)
  • pug_afkkick 1 / 0
    Desc - Enables or Disables automatic kicking of AFK players.
  • mp_afktime 60
    Desc - Number of seconds after which a player is considered as AFK and will be kicked.
  • pug_rankssystem 1 / 0
    Desc - Enable or Disable the in-build ranking system.
  • pug_rankssystemmessages 1 / 0
    Desc - Enable or Disable the point system messages which are printed after every event.

  • Say !rr or /rr - Restarts the current round.
  • Say !restart or /restart - Restarts the server (ADMIN_IMMUNITY)
  • Say !startmatch or /startmatch -  Forces to start the match even with or without the required players.
  • Say !stopmatch or /stopmatch - Forces to stop the current ongoing match and restart the server!
  • amx_automix_settings - Admin command which shows a menu to manage the detailed settings of this plugin (ADMIN_IMMUNITY)

  • Say !menu or /menu or press M - Shows a player menu with Mute, Voteban and Adminship Details options and other options.
  • Say !lastmaps or /lastmaps - Shows last 5 played maps.
  • Say !add or /add - Marks you as ready to play a match.
  • Say !unadd or /unadd - Marks you as not ready to play a match.
  • Say !credit or /credit - Displays plugin author information.
  • Say !credits or /credits - Displays plugin author information.
  • Say !rank or /rank - Display players' rank information.
  • Say !ranks or /ranks - Display players' rank information.
  • Say !xp or /xp - Displays players' points menu.
  • Say !shop or /shop - Displays players' points menu.
  • Say !level or /level - Displays players' points menu.
  • Say !cmd or /cmd - Displays commands list in chat region.
  • Say !cmds or /cmds - Displays commands list in chat region.
  • Say !commands or /commands - Displays commands list in chat region.

Author - p1Mp
Plugin credits to the original author.
Modification credits to ~UN!CORN~ (Me)

Note: If you get any problems with this plugin or find out any bugs in it, please use this page to report them back to me so that I can fix them.


  1. But from where to download the files? i cant download them?

  2. but when i click on the link it goes to a page but theres no button to download and does not auto download when go that page why so?

  3. i m having problem download so can u mail me both the plugins? (MODIFIED BY YOU) on my email jaisanghvi123@yahoo.com or jaisanghvi5@gmail.com

  4. Might you send me sma plugins you edited? ventas.casaresgames@hotmail.com

    1. Not possible as -
      1) Most people have an habit of claiming others work.
      2) If you have a new feature idea please share with me so that all can benefit from it, else start fresh with the source from authors website.
      3) If you want to edit something, there is nothing to edit from the source. Everything is cvar controlled.
      4) If you just want to learn then still I'd suggest start fresh.

  5. Dude good modification can you mail me the sma incase i wanna learn your modification
    Have a trust dude i wil nor publish your modification with my name to any websites or blogs etc
    So its a humble request for modified sma
    email: aniketsaw14@gmail.com

    1. Sorry I cannot share the SMA for obvious reasons, but if you want to learn modification then you can start by reading the comments on this thread. I've already mentioned 85% of my source in there.

      External Link - http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=168906

  6. This plugin is nt working on my server i have done everything you have said but stilll it is not working.

  7. ty very much for you great work
    can you send to me the lang file plz :)

  8. @Sweet Venom - You should retry and check if you have followed the instructions properly. Many servers are using this plugin with no problems.

    @Ahmed Mohsen - The Lang file is automatically created when you run this plugin first time.

  9. Guys..please check this
    When auto-mix.txt is created
    In the players menu the names of the list are wrong..
    Like in The #3Un Ready the mute option opens..
    Plz check me or edit the. Txt file n give

    1. Why don't you just delete that file and restart the server or change the map. Default file will be re-created at the next start. If you still face the same problem then simple edit the file addons/amxmodx/data/lang/auto-mix.txt and name the player menu items as per your requirements.

  10. @Shaliwahan Patil can u help me.....i wanna remove that password protection means if sv is full i dont want sv to password protected :/

    1. If you have download the plugin from this page then you do no need to change anything to remove automatic password. It is by default removed from this plugin.
      If you are getting this problem, means that you are not using my version of the plugin and I cannot help such cases.

    2. Then its not this plugin that's setting the password. You need to check for other plugins which might be setting the password or check your cfgs for lines with sv_password in them.

  11. i wanna also know how can i enable !dmg & !hp ?

    1. Install the plugin stats_pug.amxx and disable the default statsx.amxx. Those options should be enabled by default.
      If you have install that plugin and still are not getting !dmg and !hp commands then you need to enable them from amx_statscfg using the amx_statscfgmenu command after installing the above plugin and change the map or restarting the server.

    2. @Shaliwahan Patil bro 1 more doubt i have to enable live scores in game desc i have done tried both values 0 n 1 none of them r working.........!! i have disabled teamtag is that coz of that ?

    3. amx_pug_gamedesc 1
      Add this in your amxx.cfg.
      AFAIK I wrote the plugin such as that if Team Tags are disabled it would automatically show [T] - [CT] in the Game Description if the above cvar is set to 1.

  12. @shaliwahan bro
    i m using your plugin
    before match start if i m using admin hud msg white msg
    at the time plugin will crash and plugin doesn't work
    if u want i will give u plugin.ini

    1. I don't suppose that any other plugin which displays HUD messages should interact with pug and cause problems. It has to be something else.

  13. see logs L 04/11/2014 - 15:28:39: Start of error session.
    L 04/11/2014 - 15:28:39: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20140411.log")
    L 04/11/2014 - 15:28:39: Plugin called menu_display when item=MENU_EXIT
    L 04/11/2014 - 15:28:39: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "pimpspug.amxx") (native "menu_display") - debug not enabled!
    L 04/11/2014 - 15:28:39: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).

    1. This is a general error. Nothing serious. It happens when players are given with a voting to choose players for his team and he does not choose any and presses exit button, this should not happen in any case as captains must choose a team so even in the case of MENU_EXIT the same menu_display function is called.

  14. Shaliwahan bro... plz email me the plugin @ hmntagarwal82@gmail.com as i cannot download the plugin :/ thanks

  15. bro can u edit the plugin by giving admin power to transfer player with a certain tag to a team and start automatically match when player joins and no friendly fire

    1. Transfer player cannot be done using this plugin as Auto-Mix is designed to be completely automated. If you wish you can use default AMXX Transfer menu from the amxmodmenu to transfer players, but make sure that you don't create team imbalance. If you do then PUG team balancer can fix that but it should be active.

      Match starts automatically when pug_players n join the server (Not sure what you are asking for)

      Friendly fire can be disabled or enabled using the pug configuration menu.

  16. can we play with bots using this plugin and can u give a command to make a captain
    and player with certain tag should join Ct and other to T
    can u suggest some plugin name to host a match between 2 group i.e Sd vs SF

    1. 1) You can play with bots but you need to manually start the match and then the teams would be randomized, after the match starts you need to manually re-add bots to the game for the match to start.

      2) You cannot make a captain based on your likes. It would not be much of an Auto-Mix if you would make captains manually.

      3) If you need to host matches between two groups, you can try a MetaMod plugin named MatchMod. It can hosts match between 2 teams with your specified tags and once the match starts rest of its process is completely automated.

  17. Replies
    1. I'm not sure but I think I have added all the necessary lang files to the package. You can delete the addons/amxmodx/data/lang/auto-mix.txt and change the map, a new file would be auto created then you can make the necessary changes to it again.
      If not you can add a new line in that file
      VOTE_STAY = Please wait for the voting to end.

  18. bro can u give me a plugin which gives a player 50hp and 4 flash on knifing somebody

    1. Yes I can give you a plugin which gives a player 50hp and 4 frags on knifing somebody. Its already available on this website.

  19. 4 flash grenade not 4 frag
    and how to use matchmod of metamod hlp plzzzzzzz

    1. Okay, you should really mention FlashBang in that case. I have not created any kind of such plugin, but such a plugin should be fairly easy to create.
      It should just be a 2 step plugin, if KnifeKill Event then =>> check if the attacker is alive then =>> give him 4 FlashBangs.

      Match-Mod is fairly simple. Download the plugin from freaks.ro website. It should contain basic instructions and plugin guide. You just need to install the dll like any other metamod plugin and then simply run the command from the server console or using rcon. After that the match starts and only those players who have the tags specified are allowed to connect to the server, rest are automatically removed. Match is conducted automatically and teams are auto swapped after that.

    2. it is is to make so make it plz because I don't know amxx programming

    3. Sorry I do not make plugins on requests anymore. If you want you can post your request on AlliedModders forums in the plugin > requests section. Someone would happily make it for you.

  20. can u edit the plugin by warmup round of knife and the team which won has option to choose T or CTs and player with certain tag should join t and other ct

    Example Team 1 = SD vs Team 2=RF
    TAG of team 1 :- TAG of team 2 ;- /RF\
    YT accepted and [SD] YT not accepted where YT is a player's name

    1. Sorry I have stopped making changes to the plugin based on personal requests. If its a common feature and useful for all then I will add it to the plugin.
      As far as I am concern I see no reason to block or enforce player Tags. Such things can already be done using third party plugins. You should consider looking into tag enforcer plugins.

  21. Sir,
    My Joister SV Rates And Registry not so good little bit laggy if compare to other sv, how can i able to change the sv rates and registry if so ? i dont know good sv rate at all i am using joister 12 slot sv , can you tell me good sv rates & registry ? and how to edit that please help thank you

    1. AFAIK all you can do is set your server max and min rates to optimal values.
      Each client has different connectivity and so needs different settings.

      sv_maxrate 25000
      sv_minrate 15000
      sv_maxupdaterate 101
      sv_minupdaterate 40

      Rest needs to be done client side.
      Default values should work fine for most players and would provide good registry.
      rate 25000
      cl_updaterate 101
      cl_cmdrate 101

      In case players are getting loss or chokes then its possibly 70% poor connectivity at their side and 30% chance that it is server side issue and its the same for everyone.
      Such players can set
      rate 20000
      cl_updaterate 80
      cl_cmdrate 80
      They can reduce their cl_updaterate till 40 to get the minimum amount of chokes as per their requirements and cl_cmdrate can be lowered till 40 till the number of loss packets is minimum.

    2. Hello Sir,
      I am facing problem with making some admins i don't know why, this i how i put in list for steamer and non steamers with privileges :-
      This One Is Mine and Working Great For me -
      "STEAM_0:1:SDDDS$^#1" "yourpass" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"

      But For Others :-
      "STEAM_0:1:RDS8G5FG" "yourpass" "abcdefij" "ce"
      Non Steamers -
      "SayDomi" "Yourpass" "abcdefij" "a"
      How i put others in list only mine admin working great other cant able to access admin menu by Pressing M then 1 . Please Help !

    3. "amxmodmenu" also not working from console and i have given the immunity cant be kicked or slay that what i cant do its showing them as a admin but commands not working !

    4. The flag necessary to access amxmodmenu is "U".
      Its also written in your users.ini.
      ; u - menu access
      Give them access to that flag else change the access of amxmodmenu command to some other flag using your addons/amxmodx/configs/cmdaccess.ini. Your choice.

  22. i need help, i have this plugin on my servers, thanks for this man, but i have a problem, sometimes i have a bug when i finish the match, and plugin freeze, don't change the map, can u fix that bro?


  23. Hey,

    I Am using Your Automix Plugin.

    And It's Giving Few Error.

    L 06/28/2014 - 16:16:00: Start of error session.
    L 06/28/2014 - 16:16:00: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20140628.log")
    L 06/28/2014 - 16:16:00: [AMXX] Run time error 4 (plugin "pimpspug.amxx") - debug not enabled!
    L 06/28/2014 - 16:16:00: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).

    When i Enable Debug Mode, It Gives More Errors.

    And Server Crashing Frequently Bcoz of this errors.

    Can u pls provide some solution ?

    Thanks :)

    1. 1) Runtime Error in this plugin usually does not cause any server crash in this plugin. You should probably check any other plugin that may be causing the crashes.
      Fix any exploits if you are not using latest version of HLDS or are using a cracked version.

      2) I have used this plugin personally for more than 1 year and it never caused me the crash issue you are mentioning.

      3) These logs are useless. If you want me to solve the problem then please enable debug mode for this plugin and then provide the logs.

    2. As you can see many other servers are also using the same plugin without any problems.

    3. L 06/30/2014 - 19:44:02: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20140630.log")
      L 06/30/2014 - 19:44:02: Plugin called menu_display when item=MENU_EXIT
      L 06/30/2014 - 19:44:02: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "pimpspug.amxx")
      L 06/30/2014 - 19:44:02: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "menu_display")
      L 06/30/2014 - 19:44:02: [AMXX] [0] pimpspug.sma::player (line 4965)
      L 06/30/2014 - 19:44:02: [AMXX] [1] pimpspug.sma::handled (line 1635)

      Enabled debug mode...still its crashing :3

    4. 1) Enabling debug mode does not stop crashes. It only provides detailed logs.
      2) The above error occurs when players are given a voting option, if they choose none or cancel from the voting then the same vote is displayed to them over and over again until they choose a proper option. This is an intentional error and it does not cause crash in any way.
      3) There may be some other plugin that might be causing server crashes. Make sure you
      Fix any exploits if you are not using latest version of HLDS or are using a cracked version.

  24. mail me the .amxx files please...

  25. Busy with my other client's project. Will add a subscription option as soon as I get a little free time from work.

  26. Hello Shaliwahan Patil, job well done

    Can you help me how to let the server be with 12 slots and can have 2 spectadores because it leaves you with 10 slots only, thank you

    1. Sorry there is no way to have spectators in this AutoMix.
      If you are having a 12 slots server, 10 slots are used for players (5 vs 5), Rest 2 slots are used for admin reservation from which an admin can choose if he wants to join the spectator team or play (in which case one of the player gets kicked from the server and admin plays instead of him)

  27. Can you give me sma file mate ?
    I don't find reason to keep it private, Since source plugin is free code, Please i need to edit somethings...
    Can you edit amx_kick, amx_ban, amx_banip, kick, banid, banip, In code to:
    server_cmd("redirect_user #%d 2"
    Or send me sma please and thanks great job ♥

    1. I cannot provide the sma. I have already explained the reasons above.
      The changes you ask would be useless as I have posted this plugin here for public use. Those changes are specific to your server. Useless for others.

      Additionally the commands you ask me to remap are not command of this plugin they are part of default AMXX commands. You can edit the source for core AMXX plugins and change what those commands do easily.

      Else if you are looking for something to redirect your players to other server when first is full you can look into this plugin
      Redirect 4 AutoMix

    2. About redirect, I'm using xredirect and i put sv_visiblemaxplayers 11 and my server is 11 slots , and it's redirecting, But can you tell me what is the different ? I mean your plugin is better than xredirect original version ? also your edited one ?
      Btw you are great, You should think again about sharing sma files, Why ? because i think you are one of the best coders, And that's will help all, Look i'm not coder but i used to edit plugins, Your auto-mix is great but i'm still waiting more updates and fixes, Like what ?
      Like server crash on team captains, Like still working more and more on Auto-Mix because it's the best mod for now... Also please new plugins for your auto-mix like i'm using rtv for auto-mix and i'm waiting your reply sorry for taking long time..

  28. Hi, I hope o add points to be shown after players name
    for example : Player <10>

    1. I understand your request, but as I said earlier in my comments, I have stopped making small changes to this plugin. It's already too heavy.
      What you see here is a final plugin and nothing will be changed unless there is a bug in it.

    2. Hi again,
      how to let 12 slots ?
      people want to bring HLTV

    3. amx_pug_hideslots 0

      Enables or Disables automatic hiding of slots depending on the number of maximum players needed for the match. This feature is needed so that your players can keep the client on auto-retry in case the server is full.

  29. my server has 12 slots
    amx_pug_hideslots 0
    pug_players 10
    but still /10

    1. sv_visiblemaxplayers 12
      Add this line in amxx.cfg and wait till map change for changes to reflect.

    2. I did it and I have 10/12 Great..
      But when I try to enter an HLTV, it says server is full...

    3. This plugin does not take HLTV into consideration, so it is possible that some other plugin / setting might be blocking HLTV.
      Check the value of sv_proxies.


  31. Can you make file for tags ?
    I don't know if you understand me but to set 2 tags like teama and teamb is really boring.. Also please check the code again make edits, And think to share the source even if for this plugin only ! Thanks.

    1. If I understand correctly you want per player / per team tags.
      I don't think that this is possible easily. Also you can change team tags if needed. Check the cvar section for details.

  32. Convert! NO!
    Re-Create! Yes (But complicated and not all features)
    I see no need to do this, if you are simply concerned with players asking to turn off AMXX, disable all other addon plugins except base plugins and pug. Also ignore those idiots who simply have heard from someone else that AMXX should be off in such matches. Its okay to have Metamod and AMXX on as long as no one (admin/owner) misuses it.

  33. i get a mesaage
    that means i am missing a text file to be put in data/lang folder
    can u plz gve me all the text files needed (link or by email : chetansaldanha007@gmail.com)

    1. The lang file you are asking about is auto generated when the install the plugin first time. The data file is located in addons/amxmodx/data/lang
      folder. If that file is corrupted or incorrectly edited you can simply delete that file and change the map, it will re create the file in its default format later you can make changes in it if necessary.

  34. Nope, not necessary. Check AMX Mod X's installed modules just to be sure.

  35. when i run hlds.exe an error appears " abnormal program termination" plzzz helpp 😞

    1. Check if you get the same error after disabling this plugin.

  36. After Match Ends Then Map voing occur for next match but then map changes and again map voting occurs ... help

    1. Seems like the game server does not have much permission to write to the disk due to which the plugin is unable to store pre map data and after map change it re-votes. Check with your Game host or if you are the host then make sure that hlds has full access to the game folder and the temporary folder as well.

  37. Thanks for this plugin. The original one was quite buggy but this works quite well. I've seen 2 bugs, however:
    1. Sometimes, when its 5 T vs 5 CT and 1 CT leaves, the next person to join is sent to T, making it 6 T vs. 4 CT. This does not get balanced in the subsequent rounds either. This bug requires the sv to be stopped and started again to be fixed, it does not go away with a rcon 'restart'.
    2. The ranks for some players(including steam players) were reset for no apparent reason(they did not change their names). From players' feedback their points get reset every time they join the sv.

    Any suggestions on how to fix either of these would be appreciated.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. Some other servers have also reported the same problem about imbalance in the teams. I tried to fix this issue but as it happens randomly and there is no exact way to re-create the same problem; it was difficult for me to test the fix. So for now rcon quit is the only way to fix it. With the quit command the server should reset the plugin and your hosts's Cpanel should restart the server automatically.

      The plugin has no function to reset the ranks either way. You can check your server.cfg or amxx.cfg for any commands that resets ranks every time. AFAIK the ranks are based on Steam Auth ID, so you should also check your DPROTO settings to make sure that it does not modify that Auth ID everytime.

    2. Thanks for the update.
      Like I said, the auth id for those that lost ranks was both steam and nonsteam. The nonsteam will probably get changed often but it happened for nonsteam as well.

      I dont have any commands in any of the cfg files to reset ranks. It appears to have been a random partial data loss. By the way, where does your plugin store rank and point data?

    3. All the data is stored in fvault. Check addons/amxmodx/data folder for the file. Try resetting the ranks by deleting that file and restarting the server.
      May be the problem could be due to too big file to process by the game.

  38. thanks for plugin but i have a mini probleme who to disable Auto Ready please Bro i need just player say !add and play :D ?

    1. Sorry, at the time of recreating this plugin I decided it was better to make the plugin completely automated; due to which I added the function to auto ready players after connecting.
      I have not added any CVAR to control that function on or off.

    2. Autoready is seriously required, automix means fullly automated , so if a noob enters and didnt typed !add match will not start until a admin arrives , and even that admin has no control over ..that noob , so he can only kick him

  39. hello i edited the pug from p1mp but its cant show the ready hud but the unready hud working fine :/ do you know how to fix it

    1. Well if You have edited it then probably I cannot figure out what the problem is. Try going through the source code again [public ShowInfo(id)].

  40. I added this line in auto-mix.txt located in (addons/amxmodx/data/lang) file for chat messages -> !gCall Players to start match.

    I am not getting this message on server & on console screen m getting Invalid multilingual line 255

    1. Check if your language file is saved in the correct encoding format. The proper format must be "UTF-8 without BOM".

  41. thank you for the plugin,
    is there anyway to vote more than 4 maps during votemap after the match is done?

  42. Sorry but that is hard coded in the plugin. You can try adding more maps to the maps cycle list to see if it works. As per my knowledge almost all servers play only standard 5 maps and current map is not shown in the vote.

  43. Patil,

    Is it possible to restart in second half without resetting the score?

  44. No it is not possible to restart without resetting the score.

  45. plZ send this plugins on my account arsoobalooshi@gmail.com

    1. You need to download them from the Download section up on this page.

  46. hello and thankyou for your hard work...
    can you please tell me how to add a reserve slot for admins as they can join when server is full and kick 1 player with ping/lowest time. i am trying to recall the cvar, but not able to please can you tell me.. server have 11 slots..

    1. Plugin already have a feature of reservation i guess , it kick one player , when server is full,if a admin want to enter, and for solution to your problem ,you need to press M then select spectator , so now a new player can join team , so it means , u are on that SPEC slot , only for admins , and temas will be 5X5 :)

    2. Addition - Reserved slots are enabled by default. Admins need to type the "connect IP OF SERVER:PORT" in console to make use of his/her reservation.

  47. Hi,

    I am trying to set this up for amx 1.8.3 + rehlds. Due to change in a native method am facing few errors. I edited the Hartmann's mod and using it, but your's has a lot of features. Is there any problem to make it opensource ?

    1. Your help will be really appreciated. I don't want to work on something which has been already done. Please let me know if there is some legit reason behind the closed source.

    2. I've already answered this above, half of the community is kids and they have a habit of claiming others work.
      Whats the point of all the hours spent in coding if you don't even get the credits for it.

    3. My opinion is it doesn't matter if others take credit for it. I wouldn't care for credits, I would care for uniqueness of the server. You don't even run your servers any more, so lets ignore the uniqueness part. Next is, 1.6 is already on the verge of extinction, so we have been running a lot of servers to just keep the game alive. Sorry if my point offends you, but I just feel your reason for not sharing source as way too silly and childish. If the author of the plugin hadn't open sourced his plugin, you wouldn't have even know what PUG is. Anyways, I have resolved the 1.8.3 issues and am over it. I just wanted to let you know that I see you as one another kid as you mentioned. (half of the community is kids)

  48. Do u recommend using this plugin for 32 slot server ?? will it handle the load ? wont it crash on swaping 32 players ?? coz all swap plugin crashing at 28+ players...

  49. AFAIK they are given 2 complete rounds to get new players in case of disconnections. Checks are made every round end for number of players.

    Also I think 5v4 still works but 5v3 does not.
    Formula used is (10/2)-2

    If more than 2 rounds are completed with less players in one team then obviously the match is cancelled as the other team has an unfair advantage.

  50. Hi, if a team dont win 3 round the game is gg...its a bug?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. do i need to add the scripting .sma files to the server via FTP or will it still run without it?

  53. Can u tell me how to off flashlight when the automix plugin is loaded? Because i have disabled it from server cfg but when automix plugin is loaded it gets on again.

    1. Add the cvar to the end of pug.cfg. As soon as the match starts it will be executed.

  54. does this work now a days? Bug free.. etc..

    1. http://www.gametracker.com/search/?search_by=server_variable&search_by2=amx_automix_mod&query=&loc=_all&sort=&order=

      These people are using it. So I'm guessing it works.

  55. Game description is stuck at "Match not Started!" Any solution?

    1. Check if you have the necessary modules enabled.
      A map change or restart should usually fix this issue.

  56. Thanks you saved my day.One given on alliedmodders crashed my server on start.this worked awsome

  57. I have a problem with vote maps.Аfter they have voted,gives it again vote maps.

    Please for help.

  58. I would like to make it .ready instead of !add - Is there a way to do that? Don't know much coding but I have it working on my server.

  59. hi where can i dl pug> dead talk on ???please help and send dl link

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. hello @Shaliwahan I am using ReHLDS server when using a plugin for starting matches and map voting. Sometimes the server crashes and has trouble starting matches or running map votes.
    pls share a source code my in my email address (escapepcgamer@gmail.com)

  62. L 05/12/2024 - 15:43:50: Plugin called menu_display when item=MENU_EXIT
    L 05/12/2024 - 15:43:50: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "pimpspug.amxx")
    L 05/12/2024 - 15:43:50: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "menu_display")
    L 05/12/2024 - 15:43:50: [AMXX] [0] pimpspug.sma::player (line 4965)
    L 05/12/2024 - 15:43:50: [AMXX] [1] pimpspug.sma::handled (line 1635)


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