For Faster, Better Cleaning...
The tips of the following post will show you some clever ways to speed up your cleaning. But don't overlook these general rules.
Eliminate clutter - Getting rid of clutter not only makes it easier to clean; it also cuts down on the need to clean because and uncluttered home, even though it's not spotless, looks better than one that is dust-free but strewn with odds and ends.
Start with rooms that go fast - If you want to see real progress quickly when you are cleaning, and get a psychological boost, start with the areas that tend to go the fastest - the living and dining rooms and the halls. They're usually less cluttered and less dirty.
Clear out a room first - Before cleaning a room, go through and get rid of all the trash and clutter. Carry a plastic bag with you to catch the contents of wastebaskets and other trash. Then follow up with a laundry basket for out-of-place items. You can sort these after you've finished cleaning.
Cluster your activities - Do as many tasks as you can in one place before you move on to the next. You'll find that you clean faster that way.
Begin with dust-raising cleaning - This is just simple logic: You don't want dust floating back on surfaces that you have already cleaned.
Work systematically - To make sure that you don't miss anything when dusting a room, start at the door and work around the room in one direction.
Time-Saving Cleaning Gear
Make a carry-all
Don't keep running back to the cleaning closet every time you need something. Carry all your supplies from one room to the next in a "maid's basket" - a plastic bin with a handle - or cleaning cart.
Have paper towels handy
For spills and daily cleanup, install paper-towel racks in key places - the garage, workbench, baby's room, and bathroom, as well as the kitchen.
Keep it in the dustpan
To prevent dust from rolling out of your dustpan, dampen the pan before you start dusting.
BONUS TIP >> If the edge of your dustpan becomes bent, take time to straighten it out, or you'll end up chasing dirt across the floor every time you use it.
Shaking out your dust mop
Once you've collected dirt and dust, you need to get rid of it without redepositing it. If you can't shake the dust mop outdoors, try shaking it into a paper or plastic bag.
Make your cleanser last longer
Cover half the holes in the top of a can of scouring powder with masking tape, and the can will probably last twice as long as it would normally.
Two-bucket technique
When mopping floors or washing walls, use a two-bucket technique to make your cleaning solution last longer. Rinse and squeeze the dirt from your mop or sponge into a bucket of plain water before dipping it into the bucket with the cleaning solution.
Don't spread dirt
To avoid redepositing dirt on the surface, always make sure that your cleaning solution is not dirty. Mix up a new bucket of cleaner and water as soon as the fist bucket becomes even moderately dirty.
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