This plugin revamps the current amx_ban, amx_banip, amx_banid, amx_unban admin commands. It uses Real Time on the server (Eg. Banned for 10 minutes, you will be unbanned 10 minutes later, regardless of map changing). It also includes a list of who is banned and many other features. Visit the original authors link at the bottom of the page for more details and other required files.
Using this plugin whenever you ban any player who is connected to the server, a certain information is printed on the players screen (check screenshot). The screenshot is stored in the cstrike folder of the player's CS just before he gets banned from your server. You can request that player to send the screenshot for verification before the remove the ban on that user.
One more additional feature is RangeBan which allows you to ban a specific IP range. (I know you might think that rcon addip does the same job, but if you use this plugin you can print ban information on the players' console when he tries to connect. Useful in case you have noob players who just keep shouting about them being banned for no reason.)
- Added Ban Shot / Screen Shot support.
- Added Range Ban support.
- Copy advanced_bans.amxx to addons\amxmodx\plugins folder and replace the original file.
- Restart server or change map for changes to take effect.
Note: Please make sure you have the original plugin installed properly. This is just a modification of the original plugin
- ab_screenshot 0/1
Desc - Disables or Enables the Ban shot method of ban. If set to 1, will print some ban information of the players screen and will take a screenshot of it. Players can then send that info back to your in case they want to get unbanned.
- ab_prefix "[Advanced Bans]"
Desc - Prefix / Server Tag to be used in front of colored chat and console messages. Add to amxx.cfg. Will reflect after map change.
- amx_rangeban <playername> <range| 1/2/3/4> <minutes> <reason>
Desc - - Range 1 = - 255 IPS
- Range 2 = - 255x255 = 65025 IPS
- Range 3 = - 255x255x255 = 16581375 IPS
- Range 4 = - Just shut down your bloody server if you want to ban everyone!
- You can also use amx_addban command for a manual IP range ban, in case the player is not connected and you know his IP.
Desc - amx_addban <name> <authid or ip> <time in minutes> <reason> - amx_addban "Hacker" "" 60 "IP Range Banned"
- amx_addban "Hacker" "" 60 "IP Range Banned"
- amx_addban "Hacker" "" 60 "IP Range Banned"
Servers Using This Plugin
Note : If you get any problems with this plugin or find out any bugs in it, please use this page to report them back to me so that I can fix them.
Reminder: Again, this is not the complete plugin. This is just a modification. Install the original plugin and then replace the above file.
Orginal plugin (External Link)
Author - Exolent
Plugin credits to the original author.
Modification credits to ~UN!CORN~ (Me)
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ReplyDeleteHow to remove rangeban??
ReplyDeleteamx_unban "IP Range"
DeleteAs far as I recall amx_rangeban is a console command with default access set to ADMIN_BAN. You can edit addons/amxmodx/configs/cmdaccess.ini and change that commands' flag according to your need.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally you can also add/use amx_addbanlimit < FLAG > < MAX TIME IN MINUTES > command in your amxx.cfg to restrict max ban time for admins with specific flags.
well Shaliwahan bhai
ReplyDeletesteam prefix is having issue :3
can ban Steam_0 but not steam_4
any soln for dat ?
dproto is patch ...
Well actually as per Valve corp. 0_4 is not a valid AuthID, so I did not change it. I'll make the changes now, you can re-download it again.
Deletealso one more req...
ReplyDeletecan u add option to ban by ipaddress or p48 id
If a player is having steam_4 ID we have to addban dat id...
so can we have a way dat we could choose to ban via p48 ID ????
Read my above comment. Its already been added. Re-download the plugin.
DeleteAnd for IP ban you can use amx_banip command.
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ReplyDeleteHey bro colored chat and console mai messages nai dikha raha. Only kick or banned by console aa raha hai. why ??
ReplyDeleteIts not the part of this plugin. You can easily change those times from your amxx.cfg.
ReplyDeleteMake it something
amx_plmenu_bantimes 5 60 360 2880 10080 0
First option will always be default selected -
amx_plmenu_bantimes 2880 5 60 360 2880 10080 0
Nope. Not really. People hardly use SQL, and as the rest of the plugin is stable there was no need for an update.
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ReplyDeleteHey a small help. I want the ban info to be like this :
ReplyDelete[-= } D|A { =- Bans] -------------------------------
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] --==|| BAN INFO ||==--
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] -------------------------------
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] Server - dFuZe || Deadly Assassins Pub ||Classic||
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] BanType - IP
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] TargetID - STEAM_ID_LAN
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] TargetIP -
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] TargetName - : 27019 go here !
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] BanTime - 16 : 03 01/12/2014
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] UnbanTime - Never ( Permanent Ban )
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] BannerID - STEAM_0 : 1 : 91051349
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] BannerIP -
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] BannerName - Pagal Kejri
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] Reason - Go forever : D
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] -------------------------------
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] For Unban Request , Go to : Report unfair bans over here->> https://www.facebook.com/groups/deadlyasassins/
[-= } D|A { =- Bans] ----------------
Please reply soon. Thanks
The plugin make is mine but the server is not. I do not process unban requests. Contact the server owner / admin on their facebook group. I cannot help in this case.
DeleteHe did not post unban request. He just want to design his ban information like given pattern. Read the 2nd line he mentioned "I want the ban info to be like this" :)
DeleteOh sorry! My bad...
DeleteIn that case he just has to edit the lang file as per his needs.
i don't know if you still do coding but i just wanted to ask if you can make the cvar ab_website show on the screen shot for example
I code, but not AMXX anymore. Your request could have been easy, but I don't have the source code for the plugin anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe most simple solution would be to try editing the language file (advanced_bans.txt).
If possible I will look for the source code later tonight and update the plugin if I do get it.
oh thank you i just saw that you wrote no problem its not a big deal people can still se the website in the console so if you find the source ok if not still fine ty :)
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ReplyDeleteHow can i ban VALVE ids also because people who use older versions don t get banned can you help me with that even though i see that there have been 5 years sine you posted because they get assigned valve ids beeing non steam users the plugin can t ban them properly