Sunday, October 19

Auto Team-Balancer v1.0

Team balancer plugin is nothing new in Counter-Strike. CS already has an in built function to main balance in teams. Unfortunately it also has some bugs, it triggers balancer the next round and which can cause 2 rounds of imbalanced teams. And what if the round does not end? (Gun-Game or CSDM Mode) This AMX Mod X plugin does the same job more efficiently.
Auto Team-Balancer can be set to check the teams on the death of each player and balance the teams by transferring only the next player to die. It can also be set to optionally ignore admins and you can also set its frequency. This plugin is fully compatible and is one of the best for Normal Public Servers, CSDM Servers and also Gun-Game Servers.


  • Copy AutoTeamBalancer.amxx to addons/amxmodx/plugins folder.
  • Edit addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini and add AutoTeamBalancer.amxx to it on a new line.
  • The lang file is auto generated after the first run, auto-teambalancer.txt edit it according to your needs.
  • Restart the server or change the map for the changes to take effect.


Add these cvars to your server.cfg (executed on server start) or amxx.cfg (executed on every map change)

  • amx_autoteambal_immunity 0 / 1
    Desc - Ignores / Includes admins in the transfers for balancing the team.
  • amx_autoteambal_frequency 1
    Desc - After how many deaths should team balancer check for imbalance (Default - 1)
  • mp_limitteams 1
    Desc - Number of max players a team can have than the other team. (Recommended Value - 1)
  • mp_autoteambalance 0 / 1
    Desc - Disables or Enables the auto team balance. (Recommended Value - 1)

Note: If you get any problems with this plugin or find out any bugs in it, please use this page to report them back to me so that I can fix them.


  1. Hello! Thanks for sharing this balancer! Do you know if it works on cz and if it can transfer bots? Thanks :)


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